About Me
My Endless Journey
When lived to the fullest, life can be a fulfilling journey. I’d like to share with you the long and winding path I have taken.
The Beginning of My Bodywork Training
In 1997, I started my bodywork training after I qualified with an ITEC diploma in Anatomy Physiology, and Body Massage. To further my proficiency, I took a Sports Massage and Indian Head Massage course at Morley College, London in 1998.
Knowing that there was more to learn, in 1999, I traveled to a small tribal village in northern Thailand to study Traditional Thai Yoga Massage, yoga, and meditation. Studying with Asokananda, the founder of Sunshine Network, was particularly gratifying.
On to Fitness Training
Being a keen sportswoman, in 2000, I decided to expand my horizon by studying fitness. I spent the next three years taking a variety of courses on fitness and nutrition. What I learned had the effect of strengthening another interest of mine, health, and well-being. I was inspired to start working as a fitness trainer at a health club while also continuing my bodywork practice.
Throughout all of my education and training, I read extensively, expanding my knowledge of everything relating to health and wellbeing. This quest became my passion.
Natural Remedies
In 2001, when I started having health problems of my own, I looked into taking natural remedies instead of the allopathic medications with which I was already familiar. This study sparked another passion that grew quickly and motivated me to learn as much as I could so that I could help others even more.
The more I read, the more I wanted to know. So, I read more. My goal was to understand how to best support and stay in touch with my body. Everything I learned, I passed on to my clients as well as my friends and family.
While taking natural remedies, in 2001 I also started exploring various detoxes which were also part of an experiment to further my knowledge and understanding of the human body. I made some amazing discoveries, including the importance of removing waste material from the body.
Then, in 2006 when my health issues were resolved, I decided to take a course to learn how to perform Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) to support the body further while on a detox program. Additionally, I found that MLD is extremely relaxing and helps move the lymph around to release toxins.
Through Yoga, Reiki, Buddhism, and NOW Christianity
In 2005, I decided to go to Northern India to complete a Sivananda yoga training course for teachers. I felt that this trip was an essential part of my self-development. I was right.
After that trip, my interest expanded to Reiki. Very soon, I was initiated into the second degree of the Usui System of Reiki Healing.
In 2007, a friend of mine introduced me to Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism which comes from Japan. I’ve always had an intellectual interest in Buddhism so this was the perfect time for me to explore it with greater focus. After six months of beginning my practice, I decided to become a Buddhist. I also became a member of SGI-UK, a lay organization that promotes peace, culture, and education.
I can clearly remember feeling that I didn’t need to look for anything else for my spiritual development. The meditation retreats and courses that I participated in prior to immersing myself in Buddhism were amazing experiences. They were I thought an important part of my spiritual journey but are now part of my past. For ten years, I thought that Buddhism was going to be my last stop on this journey. I couldn’t be more wrong.
Starting from the year 2020, I started to realize that the philosophy I developed over the years was mainly based on the New Age Religion/Movement. After I found out what the New Age philosophy really was and meant and where it came from, I decided to learn to unlearn the beliefs I gained throughout my life.
In July 2021, I suddenly got inspired to explore Christianity and decided to read the Holy Bible like a book, from start to finish. It took me one year and what a revelation! I also started praying instead of meditating. So it’s been the start of another journey and I’ve been hooked since day one. I wouldn’t call myself a Christian yet but I follow Jesus Christ based on the scripture only and I’m putting my heart and soul into learning as much as I can.
Focusing on Family and Discovering The Bowen Technique
In 2008, after adopting my daughter, my journey led me to take time off work so that I could focus on my family life. I put my interest on hold. That was until 2012 when a friend told me about The Bowen Technique.
After receiving my first Bowen treatment, I started investigating it more and decided to take a course with the European College of Bowen Study in London.
This course gave me the inspiration I needed to reconnect with my passions. It put me back on track and triggered the old flame which has been burning in my heart for a number of years.
Within 2 years I became a Bowen practitioner.
The Bowen Technique is a more intelligent way of working. It’s very gentle but extremely powerful. Very different from everything I had done in the past. It changed my way of thinking and how I do bodywork. I’ve been using this technique with great success in my practice and I continue taking courses on a regular basis to increase my proficiency.
My Work Today
In June 2015, I participated in a five-day human dissection workshop at Imperial College London. It was led by Julian Baker, an expert in the fascia. This intensive hands-on practical course reaffirmed for me that the makeup of the human body is much more complex than textbooks would have us believe.
For me, seeing “the real thing” was an eye-opener and made me believe even more that gentle work on the body to create a change is really what I want to do from now on.
Today, I perform home visits around Knightsbridge and South Kensington areas. I also do freelance work at KX gym and spa in Chelsea and I run my practice at the Grove Neighbourhood Centre in Hammersmith. Primarily, my treatments include oil massage, MLD, and The Bowen Technique.
I’m pleased that my deep-tissue massage treatments have helped so many people recover from all sorts of injuries, aches, and pains over the years. But today, with the knowledge that I’ve gained from my latest studies, I feel that a gentler approach is more appropriate because it works in harmony with the body as opposed to against it. It’s the direction we are taking throughout the industry.
For the past two years, I’ve received weekly Bowen treatments and experienced a wonderful transformation, re-adjustment, and re-balancing of my body at a physical and emotional level as I’ve never had before with all the other therapies I tried. It has blown my mind away. It makes me feel very passionate about the fact that, by doing so little, I can get such a huge response from the body.
For all these reasons, today I am focusing mainly on providing The Bowen Technique as I am confident that I can help people in the long and short term. Even more than giving them a massage or MLD.
My treatments are tailor-made to my client’s needs on the day when I see them.
With more than 17 years of experience, the knowledge and skills I have developed support my powerful desire to heal people at a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.
Mind & Well Being Coaching
In 2016, I was introduced to Matt Hudson, a behaviorist consultant who teaches how the mind works and thus help people who get affected by past traumas in their present life.
I always thought that the mind can have a powerful impact on the body. And over the years I had clients who I couldn’t help with, doing bodywork. Therefore, it makes sense to me that something else could influence the body and create dis-ease.
This is how I got into coaching.
I qualified in 2018 and use this wonderful method of teaching how the mind works, with my clients, friends, and family on a daily basis.
Coaching Adapted
After the first lockdown in 2020, some of my elderly clients contacted me as they needed help.
Lack of movement and staying indoors alone for so long meant that their physical and mental health deteriorated.
I re-introduced them to going out either to their local park or shopping.
I helped them rebuild their confidence using my coaching skills and the magic of reconnecting with the world. Their physical strength improved by simply walking and doing gentle exercises. I also sometimes gave them a massage or a Bowen treatment as part of their session if that was what they wanted or needed.
It was very encouraging for both my clients and myself to see their progress and confidence grow to how I knew them.
I thoroughly enjoyed helping them from start to finish and I was happy when they regained their independence and didn’t need me in their shadow anymore.